
Geng Song

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宋耕博士2012 年加入香港大學中文學院,教授翻譯研究和中國研究領域的課程,此前在澳大利亞國立大學(2006-2012年)和新加坡南洋理工大學(2001-2006年)執教多年,並擔任上海大學客座教授。宋博士致力於從跨文化、跨學科的角度考察當代中國的性別、流行文化、影視以及意識形態等問題,在國際權威刊物如Modern China, The China Journal, Asian Studies Review 等發表英文論文多篇,並著有8本中英文專/編著,其中關於中國社會文化中男性建構的兩本專著被視為這一領域的奠基之作。宋博士是香港大學出版社“亞洲男性研究叢書”的主編。他主持的中國80後作家作品英譯項目,最近由夏威夷大學出版社和外語教學與研究出版社聯合出版,目前正在從事有關中國當代電視中民族主義與性別政治的課題研究。

Dr Geng Song taught in Singapore and Australia for over ten years before coming to HKU in September 2012. He is now the Chief Examiner and Chair of the Research Committee in the School of Chinese. His course offerings include, inter alia, a first-year pre-requisite course in Translation (CHIN1311), Bilingual Studies in Media and Popular Culture (CHIN2348) and a Common Core course on representing China through film (CCCH9040).

Song has written extensively on issues such as men and masculinities in Chinese culture and society, Chinese television and Chinese nationalism. His first book, The Fragile Scholar: Power and Masculinity in Chinese Culture, is now considered a pioneering work in the field of Chinese masculinity studies, with its conclusions drawn from materials on the caizi discourse serving as the “cornerstone for any future critical studies on Chinese masculinity” (Jing Wang, back cover blurb). His second book, Men and Masculinities in Contemporary China (co-authored with Derek Hird), represents a much-applauded attempt to combine in an interdisciplinary manner a critical reading of male images in media texts with interviews with and ethnographic examinations of men in the context of everyday life in mainland China. It has been extensively reviewed and hailed as a “valuable guide to the new configurations of manhood that have emerged in urban China over the past couple of decades of explosive economic growth and dizzying social change” (Matthew Sommer, book review). Song’s publications also include edited volumes on Chinese television and transnational Chinese masculinities, a translated anthology of works by China’s post-80s writers and a number of research articles in such journals as Modern China, The China Journal, Asian Studies Review and Nan Nü. He is the recipient of international collaboration grants from the British Academy and the Academy of Korean Studies and has delivered keynote/invited lectures in the UK, Australia, the USA and China.

Song is the co-editor of a book series on “Transnational Asian Masculinities” by Hong Kong University Press. He is currently working on a GRF-funded project on gender politics and nationalism in Chinese television. His research has been widely featured by major international media outlets, such as the South China Morning Post, The Guardian, Nikki Asian Review, China Daily, Radio Australia and The Straits Times, to name just a few.

Research Areas: Gender and sexuality, Media and popular culture, China studies, Translation studies




(2014) Men and Masculinities in Contemporary China. Leiden: Brill (co-author with Derek Hird, first-author).

(2005) 《身體政治》, 上海: 三聯書店。(co-author)

(2004) The Fragile Scholar: Power and Masculinity in Chinese Culture. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

Edited Volumes

(2018) The Cosmopolitan Dream: Transnational Chinese Masculinities in a Global Age. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press (co-editor with Derek Hird)

(2016) The Sound of Salt Forming: Short Stories by the Post-80s Generation in China. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press (co-editor with introduction).

(2015) Chinese Television in the Twenty-first Century: Entertaining the Nation. London and New York: Routledge (co-editor with Ruoyun Bai).

(2006) 《全球化與「中國性」:當代文化的後殖民解讀》, 香港:香港大學出版社。

Journal articles

(2019) “Masculinizing Jianghu Spaces in the Past and Present: Homosociality, Nationalism and Chineseness,” Nan Nü: Men, Women and Gender in China, vol. 21, no. 1.

(2018)  <男性研究的歷史維度與現實意義>, 《東吳學術》2018年第5期, 頁130-137.

(2017) “Consuming the Anti-Japanese War on the TV Screen in China: State Ideology, Market and Audience.” Journal of Oriental Studies 49.2 (2017): 1—22.

(2017) “Masculinity and Aspiring Consumption: A Reception Study of Men’s Lifestyle Magazines in Contemporary China.” East Asian Journal of Popular Culture 3.1 (2017): 39—58 (co-author with Tracy K. Lee).

(2012) “’New Man’ and ‘New Lad’ with Chinese Characteristics? Cosmopolitanism, Cultural Hybridity and Men’s Lifestyle Magazines in China.” Asian Studies Review, 36.4: 345-367 (co-author with Tracy K. Lee, first author).

(2010) “Chinese Masculinities Revisited: Male Images in Contemporary Television Drama Serials.” Modern China 36: 404-34.

(2010) “Consumption, Class Formation, and Sexuality: Reading Men’s Lifestyle Magazines in China.” The China Journal 64: 159-77 (co-author with Tracy K. Lee, first author).

(2002) “Jasper-like Face and Rosy Lips: An Intertextual Reading of the Effeminate Male Body in Pre-modern Chinese Romances.” Tamkang Review 33.1:77–111.

(1999) “Wax Spear-head: The Construction of Masculinity in Yuan Drama.” Tamkang Review 30.1: 209–54.

Book chapters

(2018) “Cosmopolitanism with Chinese Characteristics: Transnational Male Images in Chinese TV Dramas.” In Derek Hird and Geng Song, eds., The Cosmopolitan Dream: Transnational Chinese Masculinities in a Global Age (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press), pp.27–39.

(2016) “All Dogs Deserve to Be Beaten: Negotiating Manhood and Nationhood in Chinese TV Dramas.” In Kam Louie, ed., Changing Chinese Masculinities: From Imperial Pillars of State to Global Real Men (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press), pp. 204–219.

(2015) “Imagining the Other: Foreigners on the Chinese TV Screen.” In Ruoyun Bai and Geng Song, eds., Chinese Television in the Twenty-first Century: Entertaining the Nation (London and New York: Routledge), pp. 107–140.

(2014) “A Sound Wave of Effeminacy: K-pop and the Male Beauty Ideal in China.” In JungBong Choi and Roald Maliangkay, eds., K-pop and the International Rise of the Korean Music Industry (London: Routledge), pp. 164–177 (co-author with Roald Maliangkay).

Book-length translation of scholarly work

(2016) Yue, Daiyun, China and the West at the Crossroads: Essays on Comparative Literature and Culture, jointly published by Springer and Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 388 pp (co-translator with Darrell Dorrington).

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